My Story

Or, why you should trust me.

I have been a practicing polytheist for more than half of my life. I’ve practiced magic for just a bit less time, perhaps half my life. In that time, I have learned some things about both. I have learned to speak to the dead through my devotion to and work with Hekate; I have learned about the problems most beginning polytheists find they face; I have learned how to work blessings on people, places, things. I think there is no excuse not to share this knowledge, and no excuse to charge for the vast majority of it (the tarot is a side gig and a particular talent of mine). Hekate made it clear she agrees with me, and I am under divine injunction not to charge for what is free on here. I’ll always be adding more services as time goes on and I think of what might help the most people.

I have an MA in Religious Studies that was not only focused on Christianity, so I have influences from many different religions and many different places. If you have a similarly eclectic background, I am certain we will get along. If not, that’s okay too — my education made me think differently about magic and religion, and you can benefit from that.

I am always available to chat at